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HomeMOBILESHow to Fix It When One AirPod (Left/Right) Is Not Working?

How to Fix It When One AirPod (Left/Right) Is Not Working?

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Like any other electronic device, AirPods have their share of problems. And when one left or right AirPod isn’t working, it can be a major inconvenience. In this blog post, we will teach you how to fix it when one AirPod is not working. We will cover the basics of how to troubleshoot the issue, as well as provide some solutions that may work for you. We hope that this post will help solve your AirPod problem and restore your convenience.

What to do if your airpod is not working

If your AirPod is not working, follow these steps to troubleshoot and fix the issue:

1. Make sure your AirPod is charged. AirPods need at least a 50% charge in order to operate. If your AirPod is not charging, try using a different charger or plugging into a power source that you know works.

2. Reboot your device. Restarting your device may help reset any settings or problems that could be causing the AirPod not to work.

3. Check for updates and install them if available. If there are available updates for your device, installing them may fix issues with apps or devices that are compatible with Apple’s AirPods technology.

4. If all of these tips do not work, try returning the AirPod for a replacement or repair.

How to troubleshoot an airpod issue

If one of your AirPods is not working, there are a few things you can do to troubleshoot the issue. First, try charging both AirPods. If that doesn’t work, try swapping out the AirPod. If neither of those solutions works, you may have to send your AirPods in for repair or replacement. Here are some tips on how to do that:

1) Charging Your AirPods: If both of your AirPods are not working, first try charging them. Make sure they’re plugged into an outlet and that the battery is fully charged before trying to troubleshoot the issue.

2) Swapping Out Your AirPod: If charging or swapping out your AirPod doesn’t work, you may need to send them in for repair or replacement. To swap out your AirPod, just hold it close to the front-facing camera on your iPhone and press down on the center button until it powers off and then back on again.

Reasons Why Only One AirPods Is Not Working

If you are one of the many AirPods owners who are struggling to get your device to work with just one AirPod, there may be a few reasons why this is happening. It could be that the AirPods have been damaged, or the battery has run out. In this article, we’ll go through some of the most common issues and how to fix them.

1) The AirPods Have Been Damaged

If you’re experiencing trouble with just one AirPod not working, it’s likely that something has happened to the device itself. Injuries can happen during normal use – be careful! If you already know that your AirPods have been damaged, don’t try to fix them yourself – go to an Apple Store or Specialist Centre instead.

2) The Battery Has Run Out

If you’re only having trouble with one AirPod not working, it’s likely because the battery has run out. Make sure that you’ve charged your AirPods recently and check to see if there is any other potential issue with the device (like water damage). If all else fails, head over to an Apple Store or Specialist Centre for help.

How to fix an airpod issue

If you are one of the unlucky AirPods owners who find that only one AirPod is working, there are a few things you can do to fix the issue. First, make sure that your AirPods are fully charged. If they are not, charge them for at least an hour before beginning the fix. Next, try connecting your AirPods to different devices in your house to see if any of them work. If none of them do, it may be that the issue is with your device and not with your AirPods. To solve this problem, you will need to try resetting your AirPods. To do this, hold down both earpieces and press and hold the button on the right side for at least 10 seconds until you see a blue light appear. Onceresetted, test them out again to see if the problem has been solved. If it hasn’t, then it might be necessary to replace your AirPods.


If one of your AirPods is not working, there are a few things you can do to fix the issue. First, try charging both AirPods simultaneously if they were left plugged in overnight. If that doesn’t work, try syncing them up by opening the Settings app on your iPhone and selecting “AirPods” under “Devices”. If that still doesn’t work, you can replace the lost AirPod with a new one.



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